Future talks and conferences
- 2023-02 TBA Southeastern Analysis Meeting 39, semi-plenary talk
Selected talks
2022-09 Local well-posedness of the cubic NLS with randomized initial data, UVA Analysis and PDE seminar, speaker.
2022-04 Uniform bound for the Bilinear Hilbert transform, UVA Analysis and PDE seminar, speaker.
2022-04 Uniform bound for the Bilinear Hilbert transform, 2022 AMS Spring Central Virtual Sectional Meeting, speaker.
2021-10 Using computer assisted mathematics systems to teach multivariable calculus, UVA Teaching seminar, invited speaker.
2021-10 Embedding maps, outer Lebesgue spaces, and time-scale-frequency analysis, UVA Analysis and PDE seminar, speaker.
2021-06 Banach-space-valued time-scale-frequency analysis, Seminar in Analysis and Applications UAM-ICMAT, invited speaker.
2021-02 Some results in Banach space-valued time frequency analysis, Online Analysis Research Seminar Seminar, invited speaker.
2020-12 Some results in Banach space-valued time frequency analysis, Seminari a distanza di Analisi Armonica, invited speaker.
2020-10 Some results in Banach space-valued time frequency analysis Probability and Analysis Webinar, speaker.
2020-09 Some results in Banach space-valued time frequency analysis I+II, UVA Analysis and PDE seminar, speaker
2020-07 Vector valued Calderón-Zygmund and time frequency analysis, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Germany, Work group seminar co-organizer/speaker (remote).
2020-03 Uniform Bounds in Harmonic Analysis Cornell University, Colloquim speaker.
2019-10 Uniform Bounds for the Bilinear Hilbert Transform Washington University, St. Louis, seminar speaker.
2018-07 ICM 2018 Satellite Conference Harmonic Analysis, Porto Alegre, participant.
2018-10 Lebesgue points of the Fourier transform of a function and a maximal restriction estimate along variable directions, NEAM 2018, New Paltz (NY), USA, short talk.
2017-12 Outer measure spaces in Time Frequency Analysis, Chebychev Laboratory, St. Petersburg, Russia, minicourse - speaker.
2017-12 Uniform Bounds for the Bilinear Hilbert Transform, Steklov Institute of Mathematics, St. Petersburg, seminar speaker
2017-10 Uniform Bounds for the bilinear Hilbert transform NEAM 2017, Albany (NY), USA Short talk speaker
2017-06 Variational Carleson andbeyond using embedding maps and iterated outer measure spaces Delft University, Delft, seminar speaker